Saturday, July 12, 2008

Welcome to Health Updater

Health Updater is a blog about the latest general health news and research and about integrating some of that into other areas of knowledge. So, when something comes up that might be related to dietary and metabolic interests, I'll talk about that. Or when something comes up that relates to disease prevention or mental health or saunas or anything else I'm interesting in, it'll end up here with a little discussion of what we have found out and what we know because of it.

Sound like a good time? Then subscribe to Health Updater and discuss with me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects the lives of many middle-aged men and their partners to one extent or another. The term erectile dysfunction, previously known as impotence, covers a wide range of disorders, but usually refers to the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient enough to fulfill his own sexual needs or those of his partner.