Tuesday, July 15, 2008

For Men, Weight Loss Boosts Fertility

A new study from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland found that obese men should lose weight to improve their chances of conceiving a child.

The study examined the sperm of men across a spectrum of body mass indices. They found a significantly increased incidence of abnormal sperm among men in the upper BMI ranges. They also found a decreased overall sperm count among this group.

However, the researchers did not speculate on the reasons why their findings might be as they are. It would be interesting to see breakdowns of macronutrient consumption among men of varying sperm count and viability levels, as well as micronutrient levels, blood lipid markers, insulin sensitivity, physical activity, geographical location, and so on.

So don't be a punk, go out and get yourself whatever kinds of carnitine weight loss supplements or glutamine supplements you need to get your body in good shape finally so that you can deliver the good as you would want.

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